Flower Background

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What's in a name...

So I'm new to the "blogging"scene, but here's to a new adventure! :)
And "what's in a name"?  Well, it was about two year ago during my birthday that a dear friend of mine, having spent time praying for me, shared with me this word that she felt the Lord had given her to encourage me with.  In short, God was speaking three words: "Young Mother Pioneer."  Knowing just how "nerdy" I am, she went to look up the word pioneer in none other than Webster's 1828. :)  The definition of the word is so powerful!  (I've included it in the description of my blog, but here it is again.)

1. In the art and practice of war, one whose business is to march with or before an army, to repair the road or clear it of obstructions, work at intrenchments, or form mines for destroying an enemy's works.
2. One that goes before to remove obstructions or prepare the way for another.

Since then, this word has continually come to mind as I journey with God further into the calling I believe that He purposed for my life.  Ephesians 6 makes it abundantly clear: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Therefore, I picture myself as one of many in the Army of the LORD, that wages war against the schemes and attacks of the enemy.  And in many cases, my husband and I have been positioned as forerunners... those who go before, to make way for those that are to follow.  It's a calling that causes some "fear of the LORD" to rise up in me, as I realize that the success of others who are coming behind, depends upon the faithfulness of myself... starting with our own family but reaching far beyond!  What a WILD thing that God would allow someone such influence on the life and spirit of an individual when he gave us children and ministries!  I had a friend that once said that she prayed that her "ceilings" would be her kids' "floors" in relationship to their life in God!  WOW!  Everything we do, when we pray and when we worship, is paving the way for them to go where we have tread and then BEYOND, to advance the Kingdom of our God and of His Son, Jesus Christ!!!  
So I guess in essence, this blog is just a part of me being all that God has called me to be!  You'll likely find (if you don't already know me well) that I'm a "nerd".  I LOVE learning, and I love God's word!  In truth, if I could do ANYTHING I wanted to with my life, I would sit in a room with my Bible and my dictionary, all day and just "eat it up" (with the Holy Spirit).  Then I'd come out of my room and start freely "feeding" others!  I'm not a teacher my degree or by profession, but a teacher by nature!  And I like it that way.  
One other truth about me... "Pioneer Woman" fits me because there are times when I secretly wish that I could just be "Ma (Caroline) Ingalls" from Little House!!!  Seriously, the life just seems to attractive to me.  A simple, hardworking life, with such a sense of joy and rewarding satisfaction!  I love working with my hands: cooking, gardening, sewing, cleaning, etc.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for things like hot showers and dishwashers, but I really think that I could live that kind of life with much joy!  :) 
Well, that sort of sums up the WHY? of this blog.  Happy reading.  

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